Through a donation from the Gulati Family Foundation to the Foundation for Pottstown Education, the Rupert Fourth Grade visited the brand new low ropes course at Althouse Arboretum to participate in a low ropes course. The low ropes course is designed to encourage leadership, expand communication skills, promote self-discovery, and increase self-esteem.
Chuck Gulati, member of the Gulati Family Foundation Board and President of Gatsby’s and Stokesay Castle stated that this project fit with their Foundation’s mission of giving to educational institutions at every level, from early childhood through graduate school. When he found out the need for funding of field trips, Gulati indicated his desire to help and placed the request to the Foundation Board for approval.
Rupert Elementary Principal, Matt Moyer had made the request of the Foundation for Pottstown Education to enable the fourth grade students to take this course. Moyer stated that the low ropes course would meet the requirements of the STEAM funding provided by the Education Foundation.
The students were given a variety of challenges at different obstacles on the course. Each required team work, creative thinking, and collaboration to achieve success. The students were broken up into groups of 8-12 students. Each group had a facilitator who explained the challenge, and assisted the students. The students were required to work together to determine a plan, and then take their plan to action. After each activity the groups debriefed on what was successful, and what areas they felt they could improve upon.
The fourth grade teachers, Mr. Ferster, Mrs. Leh, and Miss Valenti said,” The ropes course provided our students with an invaluable experience for breaking down barriers, teamwork, and learning to trust each other in academic and non-academic settings.”
The Fourth Grade Students sent both of the Foundations handmade cards of thanks, Many of the students indicated that they learned how to listen and communicate with their friends, how to trust others, and that they had fun.