The Pottstown NAACP recently presented a $1,000 check to the Foundation for Pottstown
Education in support of the Foundation’s recent Chromebook Campaign. At a recent chapter
meeting, Pottstown NAACP’s President, Johnny Corson recognized the Foundation for its quick
action to raise funds supporting the purchase of Chromebooks for the students of the Pottstown
School District.
On hand at the meeting was Foundation President, Dr. Tracey Brown, Vice-President Georgette
Howell and Executive Director, Joe Rusiewicz. In his presentation, Corson stated, “We were all
amazed by the foundation’s swift response to the school district’s need for hundreds of
Chromebooks and additional resources to keep everyone safe. Thousands of families across
the region faced insecurities and digital barriers making education a burden. This is no longer
true in Pottstown due to your action and generous support of your donors.”
The $1,000 check was made in memory of Elder Jannie Brandt and Alexis Artis, who both
valued education. The funds were made possible by Mr. and Mrs. John Milligan in memory of
Mr. Corson’s mother, Elder Brandt, Vince Artis in memory of his daughter, Ms. Artis along with
the membership of the Pottstown NAACP. Mr. Milligan is President of the Norristown NAACP
while Mr. Artis is a member of the Pottstown NAACP and the Montgomery Elks on Walnut
Street in Pottstown.
In receiving the recognition, Dr. Brown and Ms. Howell praised the NACCP for their work in the
community and thanked the chapter for their support. Rusiewicz echoed these sentiments by
stating “We appreciate the efforts of the Pottstown NAACP and are so thankful for your support.
Both of our organizations are here with a mission to improve the quality of the lives of our
community. This donation and support from a sister non-profit shows how well our community
comes together.”
The Foundation for Pottstown Education initiated the Chromebook Campaign after
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf closed all schools to help stop the spreading of the COVID-19
virus. At the time, one out of every four students in the Pottstown School District had no
devices to support their online learning and continuation of their education. With this donation,
more than 82 donors of the Foundation for Pottstown Education have provided the funding for
785 devices. This campaign was aided by a matching grant from the Pottstown Area Health &
Wellness Foundation where every dollar raised up to $100,000 was matched. Kicking off the
matching fund was The Hill School in Pottstown which donated $50,000 from an anonymous
Alumnus of the school.
for Pottstown Education is to raise funds for and support life-changing educational opportunities
for the students and teachers in the Pottstown School District promoting the enhancement of
our community. For further information on our Foundation, please visit our website at or contact Joe Rusiewicz at